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Monday, April 25, 2011

You Snooze You Lose Mother Nature

Mother Nature, persistent, relentless, methodical and slow from the human measure of time has used the ocean to work on a project called ROCK, The Rock project is near  the shores of the Golden Gate Bridge she was making progress and almost had it done and only needed a few million more years and the rock would have been changed into a beautiful sandy beach.  Just about that time man comes along in the past 10,000 years and most recently they last 100 years and creates dynamite and blows the rock project into small pieces and then grinds it up into fine sand, transports it off to Las Vegas and dumps it onto a resort hotel’s man-made beach.  You may have guessed it that Mother Nature is irritated to say the least.  This is what she had to say during an interview last week, “I’ve been working on the Project Rock for the last 20 million years and now I have to start over. Sorry San Francisco, you’ll have a wait a little longer for that sandy beach.  I am glad I moved the Moon 290,000 miles away out of their reach.  What will they screw up next?”

April 20, 2011

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