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Monday, April 25, 2011

Increase in Debt Anyone?

 I have to say that politics never interested me that much before, however, since being semiretired I’ve paid more attention or it’s just in my face so much lately.  I guess I never knew what I was missing while working all day and everyday at the Just Over Broke (JOB).  I can’t believe how the Democrats, and the Republicans (Tea Party now I guess) have been running this country into the ground with debt with stupidity, arrogance and greed.  What a shameless joke being played on the world and not just the American people.  Don’t all get upset Democrats, you’re first mentioned because the alphabet has you first and Republican don’t get your panties in wad either.  I didn’t create the alphabet in the order it is I am sure that if it where part of the constitution both parties would amend it appropriately.  Anyway I like things sequential, neat and orderly. So keep your donkeys and elephants under leash, geez Louise.  Okay so the adults in Washington are not setting a good example about spending within their means.   I believe that they, the government, and including all the big businesses that pull the puppet strings of politicians have a plan to keep you and I and future generations in debt.  Did you know that 5% of the population control 95% of the money in the country?  It only makes sense that the 5% would want the 95% that don’t control the wealth in the country to be indebted to them so that they control the destiny and manufacture the dependency for the mass populous.   You think about that for a day or two why don’t you.

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