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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What The Hey - Mailboxes Gone in a Decade

Will mailboxes someday go the way of the DODO bird?  Maybe.   One of the longest serving tools for creating relationships in the world could be obsolete by the end of the decade.  The proliferation of electronic connections to people, (at least we think we’re connecting to people),  is about to peak and change everything.  Could we actually do without the Post Office, Mail persons and physical mailboxes by 2020?   Way into the future the phrase snail mail could just be an ancient petroglyph describing a primitive communications medium.  Personally, I believe we’re going backwards in human understanding because in order to relate you must create a relationships, a skill that a large majority of people 30 years and younger won’t develop with their eyes down.  Worse yet humans could evolve into a beings with just an index finger and a thumb on each hand.  The index finger holds the device while the two thumbs communicate via a keyboard.  Of course this predication my change has voice recognition improves.  Then natural evolution will just cut back on operational expene and delete the hands altogether.  Then what would we need arms?  It just snowballs downhill from there.  Vote to keep all parts of the Post Office apparatus, including the physical mail boxes.

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