An Idea or two, A Provoking Thought, A Passing Fancy, Maybe Controversial Now and Again, Finally, and Hopefully Constructively Critical
Millionaire mindset
Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck -- Work Around Your Schedule
Do you keep your options open to learning about new sources of income in addition to what you are already doing? If yes, call, text or email me for information about a new idea.
Cell: 770-363-4361
Office: 415-525-4767
Friday, December 12, 2014
Another Day in San Francisco
The Sun never sets on an uninteresting day in San Francisco although you could not have proven that the Sun was anywhere in the sky yesterday because of the overcast of rain clouds. Depending on where you were in the City the wind may have been gusting up to 50 MPH too, rendering all but the most innovatively designed umbrellas useless. None of this day was too unusual except for the fact that the power went out all over the City for five long hours. If you were in a high-rise a decision to leave the safety of a dark apartment had to be considered carefully because you would need to walk down several flights of stairs and possibly in a dark stairwell. Depending on which floor you were on, and we’re on the 8th, going down wasn’t the problem, coming back up would be a challenge and that was only if you could get back into the stairwell once you exited to the outside in the rain. Now visualize that you live or work on the 37th floor. Oh, and did I mention that the fire alarm activated during the power outage, and it was instructing everyone to leave our residential building and stand in the rain while they figured it out. Honestly though my physical capability isn't what I wanted to talk about today. Simply, I wanted to say, "What in Ben Franklin is going on with PG&E that they allowed a whole city to be powerless for five hours?" That was all I had to say. Have a great day!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Being Grateful in this City
Throughout the day as I look out over the San Francisco Bay I am so grateful for eyesight.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thank You
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Delicious and easy low card lunch

Looking for an alternative to your usual humdrum chicken salad? This is the perfect recipe to eat on your Low-Carb Day for a snack or dinner.
- 1 medium boneless, skinless chicken breast (4–6 oz)
- 1 tsp olive oil or safflower oil
- ¼ tsp garlic pepper seasoning blend
- 1 ½ cups torn mixed greens
- ¼ cup sliced cucumber
- 1 radish, sliced
- 1/4 medium red bell pepper, sliced
- 3–4 yellow and/or red grape tomatoes, halved
- 2 Tbsp balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing
- Brush chicken breast on both sides with olive oil. Sprinkle with garlic pepper seasoning.
- In a pan over medium heat, cook chicken on both sides until done. Remove from heat. Cut into slices.
- In the meantime, arrange salad greens on serving plates. Place cucumbers, radishes and bell peppers on top. Sprinkle with tomatoes.
- Top with chicken.
- Serve with balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing.
Be sure to check out Vemma’s Pinterest and the Vemma Bod·ē Facebook page for more delicious and nutritious recipes!
Serves 1. Yum yum!
- See more at:, October 25, 2014
A national problem that needs solving so lets start with San Francisco
A Problem That Needs To Solving
Problem #1:
Solve the homelessness (drug and alcohol abuse and mental diseases) problem in San Francisco
Solving San Francisco’s “homelessness” problem creates a solution that can be applied nationally.
San Francisco becomes the showcase for solutions rather than the sanctuary of ignored humanitarian problems.
San Francisco leads the nation in behavior and sociological challenges that cause “homelessness”.
San Francisco transforms itself into the technological dynasty without 20th century “homelessness” on the streets.
Send in your suggested solutions that are thoughtful, constructive and realistic. In other words give some real thought about the problem. Think as though there are no limitations of any kind.....NONE.
Problem # 2 coming next week
Sunday, September 21, 2014
NFL Player's Conduct Policy Draft Proposal
Mr. Goodell, here are a few proposed ideas to get things started.
NFL Conduct policy (Draft)
All current and NFL draftees must voluntary agree to a background check before the first seasonal game begins effective the date of this policy.
Going forward all future Draftees must submit to a background check before being signed and admitted into the NFL.
NFL Draftees must submit to a qualification interview conducted by a Compliance Advisory Board of the NFL.
All Draftees entering the NFL must certifiably pass all compliance training courses and be mentored by a personal coach for the first year that will be paid for out of Draftees salary. The personal coach and Draftee will report quarterly progress to the Compliance Advisory Board.
Any conduct unbecoming to a professional of the NFL found by the Compliance Advisory Board will result in a recommendation by the board to revoke admittance of a Draftee into the NFL.
Any conduct unbecoming a professional players of the NFL on or off the field will result in the following minumum actions:
- 1st offense: Benched for two ball possessions
- 2nd offense: Benched for one-half game
- 3rd offense: Benched for one game
Continued conduct policy offenses will result in an one year and/or indefinite suspension from the NFL,
Any conduct causing the injury of another person(s) on or off the field will result in the minimum actions:
- 1st offense: One game suspension
- 2nd offense: Three game suspension
- 3rd offense: One year suspension
- 4th offense: Expulsion from the NFL.
Any conduct resulting in the arrest of a professional player of the NFL will result in an immediate six game suspension.
An arrest resulting in charges being filed against a professional player of the NFL will result in an immediate suspension from all NFL pre and post games, and practices until proven innocent.
A conviction of ANY charge in a court of law will result in an immediate expulsion for life from the NFL.
All NFL Draftees and current professional players of the NFL must attend and pass certified online compliance training in the following areas:
- Substance abuse compliance training course
- Anger management compliance training course
- Sexual harassment compliance training course
- Spousal abuse compliance training course
- Financial management 101 training
(To be amended to by the Commissioner of the NFL, and Team Owners, Player association and Union, The final approved policy will be public information)
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Congratulations California
The state of California has finally graduated to the classification of “Bone Dry” by the San Francisco Examiner. Congratulations California you finally procrastinated long enough to reach a severe condition of water shortage. Instead of developing a real long term solution we’re going to save water all the way to the bottom of the well. Water is the proverbial fountain of youth so why aren't we protecting it?
Friday, May 30, 2014
Defend yourself against the effects of aging
We have all heard that drinking water regularly throughout the day helps maintain our skin's moisture, elasticity and youthful appearance. Your skin needs new cells frequently to keep looking new. To insure that your body can support this activity and many other reconstruction projects our body needs the right amount vitamins, minerals and aloe that come from quality food sources, supplements, and quality sleep. Be sure your body isn't working on critical projects without the necessary resources to do the job right, and or complete the tasks.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
What The Hey - Mailboxes Gone in a Decade
Will mailboxes someday go the way of the DODO bird? Maybe. One of the longest serving tools for creating relationships in the world could be obsolete by the end of the decade. The proliferation of electronic connections to people, (at least we think we’re connecting to people), is about to peak and change everything. Could we actually do without the Post Office, Mail persons and physical mailboxes by 2020? Way into the future the phrase snail mail could just be an ancient petroglyph describing a primitive communications medium. Personally, I believe we’re going backwards in human understanding because in order to relate you must create a relationships, a skill that a large majority of people 30 years and younger won’t develop with their eyes down. Worse yet humans could evolve into a beings with just an index finger and a thumb on each hand. The index finger holds the device while the two thumbs communicate via a keyboard. Of course this predication my change has voice recognition improves. Then natural evolution will just cut back on operational expene and delete the hands altogether. Then what would we need arms? It just snowballs downhill from there. Vote to keep all parts of the Post Office apparatus, including the physical mail boxes.
Monday, February 17, 2014
No Sharp Teeth in Shark Fin Prohibition Law
Six months in jail and a $1000 fine for possessing and selling 2000 pounds of shark fins. This is a joke, it cost more in investigative time and processing. The perpetrators are killing up to 73 million sharks annually just for their fins. The Shark Fin law acts more as job security for law enforcement and politicians than for curtailing an egregious and inhumane act against nature. Where are the voices of concerned organizations like Save the Bay, Sierra Club, PETA, Green Peace, and the hundreds of other San Francisco environmentalist? Not one word have I read or heard from them about this act of sabotage against nature. There is absolutely no incentive for the violators to stop. A $1000 fine is just a discretionary and inconsequential business expense. However, it cost the state of California millions to administrate the law more then it cost the violators. The Shark Fin law is another California form of legislative nonsense that placates a minority group. A minority group that wanted to get their name in the Bills co-author column to satisfy their ego and their desire in some small way to protect a species. I am in favor of the intent of the Shark Fin law, however, Sacramento, put some teeth in this law, make it pay for its administration at the very least.
Friday, January 31, 2014
2014 Food for Thinking About
It's the end of January 2014, and how many of you have already given up on your New Year's resolution? Historically speaking quite a few I am guessing. Did you know that only 45% of Americans even make a New Year's resolution and only about 8% successfully achieve their stated goals each year. Self-improvement, Weight, Money and Relationships are the top four resolutions in the order listed. If you are in your twenties you're 38% more likely to achieve your goal each year and if you're age fifty and older only 14% of you are likely to achieve your goals each year. This according to the University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology. These percentages seem backwards given the maturity level of each group. However, there is probably a psychological,or quite possibly an environmental reason based on my interpretation of other books I've read. While in your twenties you've had a relatively short amount of time to develop self-limiting beliefs that hold many of us back or from going for it. An additional 30 or 40 years longer on this planet living in society can dim the flames of creativity, assertiveness and risk tolerance and quite possibly shake our values and belief through many many more life experiences. In their places complacency, security, and fear of loss become the normal. We have to reverse this trend, hell, the baby boom generation laid the foundation for all that is today they did all the blasting and excavating, forming the rebar and form pouring the concrete for all that is being built today. We dreamed of it all and started the ball rolling for all the technology that is being exploited by the X generation and their sense of entitlement. Come on baby boomers we're not through yet the world always needs creators and not just vague 140 character tweets, or faceless virtual friend and links to 100s of people seeking only an endorsement from you in return for an endorsement of them. Can you dig-it?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,
What a wonderful Christmas season we experienced in San Francisco. All the gifts were fantastic, thoughtful and useful. We sincerely appreciate everyone that made our day special and the family that kept us in mind. We are so happy and grateful for all that we have and experienced in 2013. Now the time is nearing where the calendar will roll forward to another new year of 2014. We, I will try to live everyday with sharper awareness. We wish to all a prosperous, innovative and decisive 2014, that will bring happiness, good health and wealth.
See all of you next year.
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