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Monday, October 17, 2011

My Head Hurts what about yours?

In a time of environmental turmoil, government disenchantment, high unemployment, religious upheaval, and geographic colonization, our future seems almost hopeless. Where does one focus his/her attention, commitment, and energy?   If you live in California, specifically, San Francisco the important topics are numerous and each must be considered with equal anxiety.   Most issues are surprising even to the people that make it their lifelong purpose to consider and find the worst of everything in life. 
What is on top of the mind most San Franciscans? I thought about this question for a while and I came up with a list of what may be waking us during the night with cold sweats in our silk pajamas.  The following topics flood the local and national newscasts for what feels like around the clock reinforcing all the negativity in the world.  What is important to deal with first that is the question?  What would resolve or solve these crises so we can all get back to doing whatever it is that we do after watching the morning news (negative energy while sitting/standing).  My head started hurting putting this list together.
 Japanese Nuclear Crisis
The non-working radiation detectors on the West coast
Ousting Libya’s Qaddafi regime
The National Budget approval
The States (California) budget approval
Unemployment (Job Creation)
Corporate Greed
Homeless in San Francisco
America’s Cup Race
Disappearing 6oz Irish coffee glasses (Should San Francisco sue Buena Vista  for hoarding all the glasses from the rest of the restaurants?)
The Iraq war
The Afghanistan war
The Libyan war
Iranian issue
North Korean issue
Iranian espionage on US soil
Another terrorist attack
Google’s takeover of Silicon Valley
The floating islands of plastic and trash in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Amazon not paying sales tax
Oil shortage
Deteriorating pipes
Southern California succession from the North
Supporting the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters
Oh boy, I sure could listen to  an hour long Jim Rohn audiobook right now

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