Millionaire mindset

Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck -- Work Around Your Schedule

Do you keep your options open to learning about new sources of income in addition to what you are already doing? If yes, call, text or email me for information about a new idea.

Cell: 770-363-4361
Office: 415-525-4767

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Frame Your Imagination in Unique Photography

Use photographs to decorate your new or existing home.  Photographs can change the ambience of your home. Create a relaxing and calm place to come home to with a few chosen photographs.  Kickstart your imagination and browse some unique and growing library of San Francisco scenes captured in digital photography.

Reposted with updated URL address.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

"Scaled-down homeless rights law advances" I think I voted for Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.

I am willing to listen to some discussion about this problem, but is Tom Ammiano just trying to get his portrait in the State capital proposing this crazy idea? Yes, thank goodness for term limits, where is this guy coming from? Imposing this kind of legislation only propagates the homeless problem not solve it. Tom, if you want to be a good humanitarian why don’t you lead by example. I propose that you volunteer to allow the homeless over to your home for a shower and shave and while they are in the shower please laundry and mend their clothes, Tom. Lets not turn the City into a refugee camp or give the New York City’s Major or the State of Nevada another reason to ship their problems to San Francisco again.

Read more:

"Feinstein assault-weapons ban defeated" - What is the problem?

My Opinion...

Comprehensive background checks, reduction in magazine size and quantity owned, and restrict ownership of assault style or looking weapons.  As a citizen who has owned firearms and continues to support ownership these proposals seem reasonable and don't affect my 2nd Ammendment rights as a citizen.  I can't hunt or compete in any sport with them and most are used to fill hillsides and derelict cars with as much lead and copper as possible which by-the-way isn’t helping the environment.   At the same time a proposal to increase research on behavior that uses violence to further one's objective even if the goal is to kill oneself would be good use of a "gun licensing fee."  Did I just propose an annual registration/licensing/permitting fee?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chronology of the Invisible San Franciscan

Original Article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Reader Response.
Read more:
Google bus? Stop whining

In "Coddled Google riders don't see the rest of us" (Caille Millner, Datebook, April 27), Ms. Millner complained about the Google buses.
This is another petty complaint reeking of entitlement. Google takes from 30 to 60 cars off the road with each busload of employees it shuttles. The employee of whom she complains has removed his bike from the bus (an additional positive for crowded streets and the environment), and obviously he was unaware that he bumped a person standing in line for a city bus.
Can we focus on the positive for a change?
Evelyn Lockton, Hillsborough

My response to the Reader and many Commenters in the SF Chronicle.

"Maybe this instance was or was not related to a Google bus I won’t debate this point. More than the Corporate, Amtrak, Tourism and Casino buses using City infrastructure, I think Ms. Millner, was highlighting an unaware and inconsiderate individual getting off the bus who didn’t appear apologetic after becoming aware of his/her actions. This isn’t an isolated incident but one that was confronted. Something positive would be for people to be more considerate and acknowledge their fellow human beings. I support the use of buses, trains, taxis and BART as much needed transports that help reduce the impact on our environment. However, what would be the point if we didn’t treat each other with a little common courtesy."

BTW.  Hillsborough isn't even in the City of San Francisco."

Don J. Gonsalves, Jr.  City of San Francisco

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thinking About It Won't Change Anything

Do you live in the San Francisco or neighboring communities?   I am curious, DO….. 

1. You think about being more healthy and having more energy.
2. You think about aging and looking older before your time.
3. You think about money everyday before you go to sleep.
4. You annually think about a workforce reduction at your job.
5. You think about being able to help others with 1-5.

Any reason out of 5 is why you should ask me that question you are thinking about now.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I drink Verve Daily....Keep up with me if you 'CAN'!

Live At The RRazz is DEAD

It's a dark day in San Francisco as another venue icon ends a long and successful contribution to the City's entertainment nightlife.   We'll miss all of the great entertainers that performed and gave us a diverse and balanced genre.  Without the RRAZZ the City has lost a generous community partner in so many ways.  Wake up San Francisco before you lose all of your cultural icons that make the City-by-the-Bay a wonderful place to live and visit.  I can only wonder what Herb Caen would write in the San Francisco Chronicle if he were alive today. I am sure  we'd get an ear full, and at least a column or two if not a whole page of brow beating. Though we've tried to revive our musical and artistic creativity through well intentioned activities like the Fillmore Redevelopment Project, the artists we've experienced, just don't come back easily and the venues are even more difficult to acquire and operate because of the high cost of real estate. 

Thank you RRAZZ for twelve (12) wonderful years that you brought us enjoyment with an up close and personal experience with the entertainers you brought to San Francisco.  I miss you already.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Insanely Healthy Vitamin and Mineral Fortified Energy Drinks.

Nutrition today matters tomorrow

Nutrition today matters tomorrow
Excerpts from A Report from the March of Dimes Task Force on Nutrition and Optimal Development

An estimated 132 million babies were born worldwide in 1998. In the cycle of life, a baby's birth marks a new beginning; but unfortunately, not every baby has an equal chance for optimal growth or survival. Optimal human development is dependent on several factors, including socioeconomic status, genetics, the environment and nutrition. Nutritional status impacts an individual's ability to grow, to learn, to work, and to fight disease.

The report reviews central themes, issues or problems that are particularly important for women and very young children. These include:
  • Nutritious and safe food matters
  • Healthy eating matters
  • Healthy weight matters
  • Early nutrition matters

The report builds on work done by researchers and providers around the world and conveys the following major nutrition and implementation messages:
  • Nutritious and safe food matters: Food-based healthy eating guidelines that address women’s and young children’s nutritional needs, combined with food safety messages and policies, are critically important to improve health outcomes.
  • Healthy eating matters: Sufficient intake of important vitamins and minerals support growth and development, both today and in the future.
  • Healthy weight matters: Maintaining a healthy weight can benefit women and their potential offspring.
  • Early nutrition matters: Adequate nutrition very early in life can help to avoid adverse consequences now and in the future.
  • Sustainable action plans: These plans require involvement from the target population, community leaders, health care providers and policymakers; review of existing nutrition interventions; constructive partnerships; and tailored project plans to address local needs. 

Because you and your children or future children matter, I recommend you start an auto-ship order of vitamin and mineral fortified liquid VEMMA nutrition supplements today.  Here’s how:  For assistance call me at 770-363-4361.

Cheers to you happiness, good health and long life.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Everyone wants to enjoy the longevity of life staying and looking or feeling younger. Remaining healthy is key to enjoying life to the fullest. It starts with a lifetime of good nutrition, lots of water,  and good habits.

It's not too late to start a good habit by supplementing missing nutrients with a unique liquid nutrition supplement call VEMMA (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen and Aloe Vera).  

VEMMA nutrients are quickly absorbed by the body before they  prematurely exit.  A Clinically studied confluence of Eastern and Western philosophies formulated this vitamin and mineral supplement for people 2 years to ?? years of age.   Remember, practicing good health habits has no age restriction.

Visit my web site at,  and start your Vemma nutrition supplement auto ship from VEMMA today and get the first good habit routine.  For assistant call me at 770-363-4361 or 415-885-1429.

Share this blog with anyone that you care about.

Cheers to your happiness, good health and long life.

Don J Gonsalves, Jr.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give."

Dr. David Hawkins

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Is it really too healthy to be true?

The only way  to know is by trying this excellent product.  It's natural, refreshing, hydrating and I believe energizing while at the same time vitamin fortified. Don't miss out on the next wave of liquid vitamins and healthy energy opportunities. 

Click Here  to learn more about who we are, how to become a customer and/or particpate in the opportunity.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Saturday In San Francisco

Saturday is a relaxing day for a late morning breakfast overlooking the Bay, lunch near dinner, and dinner near bedtime.  In between the kitchen encounters a glass of champagne gets me by for now.   Of course the day cannot be made comfortable without having my pillows strategically propped against the head board so that  the angle for viewing old movies playing on TCM is correct.  Movies like "Destination Tokyo" and Cary Grant as the sun rises over the Bay bridge or "Key Largo" with Edward G. Robinson, (Oh what a gangster.), for breakfast or "White Heat" with James Cagney with fruit and coffee on a T.V. tray, snacks and "CasaBlanca" with heart throb Humphrey Bogart warming me up for the "Maltese Falcon" with Bogey starring again. Transfixing the conscious mind on long ago famous phrases and scenes consumes so much energy that I require 10 to 15 minute naps to recoup and rebuild depleted energy reserves.

This was a short note that I inserted between eating, napping and time traveling backward to the time of true fashion, elegance, and short meaningful lines that are no longer uttered by the best actors/actress of our "modern" time.  What are you doing on Saturday?

This was My Saturday in San Francisco.

Weekends Over

It's morning time and the Ferry's are arriving from all points of the Bay bringing business men and women to the Financial District of San Francisco.  Some passengers are walking off the ferries then through the double doors passed Pete's Coffee with a Monday morning glaze over their face like they have a mission in mind;  probably an early morning meeting presentation or maybe an interview with a potential new employer.  Good luck to all I say as each searches for creative ways to trade their time for someone else's freedom.

Parking In San Francisco

It's a solemn day in the City after free parking went the way of the doe doe bird.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Free Muni Rides in San Francisco

Yes, you missed it.  Generously San Francisco's Municipal Transportation Agency donated free rides for 10 hours  between 8PM New Years Eve to 6AM New Years Day.  Sorry, try again during the next  100 year anniversary.